“Masters hockey provides a relaxed environment to enjoy hockey for over 35s. Whether you are just warming down from State League action or picking up a stick for the first time, we have a team for you.”
Mens 45B Premiers 2019
Masters hockey provides an opportunity for women who are aged over 35 and men aged over 45 to enjoy hockey in an age based environment.
Midweek Open hockey is for senior players who wish to play on midweek nights rather than on weekends, or play a second game each week.
TEM is keen to welcome new players to any of the Masters/Midweek age groups. Whether you are warming down from weekend action, returning to hockey after a number of years or picking up a stick for the first time, we will have a team to suit you.
Mens Masters and Open games are played on Monday nights and Womens Masters are played on Wednesday nights between 7-10pm.
The Men's competitions are open gender competitions and are for men and women. The rules allow a limited number of players over 42 to play in the over 45 competitions and a limited number of players over 32 to play in the over 35 competitions.
In 2024 TEM will field the following five Masters and Midweek Open teams:
Mens 45A+ - home and away
Mens 45C+ - home and away
Mens 50+ - venue based, at H2 every week
Open Mixed B – home and away
Women 45B+ - home and away
If you play for another club in any weekend competition, it's allowable to play for a different club for Masters and Midweek Open. You don't need to get a clearance for this. You would have a dual club registration with Hockey Victoria (at no extra payment to HV).
It is also allowable to play with one club in the Monday Masters/Open competitions and a different club in the Wednesday Women Masters competitions.
If you are interested in playing Masters/Midweek hockey with TEM in 2024 registrations are open at, or feel free to get in touch for more information:
Women's masters: email:
Men's masters: email: